Hottie of the week – Chantale Belle

chantale belle

Immediately when I read the statement, “I just like trying new things,” I knew that I need to save a spot on the blog for Chantale Belle. Not to mention, I really do like Asian girls.

Browsing the web, I was pretty unlucky with finding any information about this Chinese hottie, Chantale. I did find that she was born on July 11, 1994. Moreover, I found a profile on StockTwits with the same name, however, I am not 100% sure if this is the same Chantale. Aside from being a model, dancer and public figure, does Belle actually trade stocks, too? I am confused. If you are too, I gathered a whole bunch of sexy photos of her that will help you forget about everything and focus only on her beauty.

I always get a bit mad when I am about to feature a new hottie of the week and there is no info about her. Some of the ladies are so mysterious. They won’t tell you anything. Yep, that pisses me off! I am interested in being familiar with the model and I know you are too.
Oh well, in this case, we will need to satisfy ourselves with the pictures. But don’t they say that a picture is worth a thousand words? If that is the case, you will learn more than enough about Chantale Belle. Just put your imagination to use, and you will soon realize how much you actually know about her.

To bring it even further, go ahead and follow Belle on Instagram and help her grow her account to 100,000 followers (89.4k to date). As you will see, Chantale is traveling the world on a regular basis and enjoying the life to the fullest. Notice: you won’t see that many sexy pictures, still, when she will post anything sultry (or is this a bit too vulgar of me to say?), you will be blessed.

Top Instagram collection of hot Chantale Belle pictures


A post shared by Chantale Belle 贝依霖 (@chantalebelle) on

Finally 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭I'm finally with her 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 once a year 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭I finally get to see her 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 @maplemapes 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 #bff

A post shared by Chantale Belle 贝依霖 (@chantalebelle) on

Accidentally deleted the previous one 😆 please like it back ~ 👙👙🌈 #southbeachmiami

A post shared by Chantale Belle 贝依霖 (@chantalebelle) on


A post shared by Chantale Belle 贝依霖 (@chantalebelle) on

Girlfriend ?

A post shared by Chantale Belle 贝依霖 (@chantalebelle) on

Santa claus is coming to town ~ 🎵🎶🎁🎅🏻 hohoho ♥️ please ignore my sexy typhoon number 8 hair 🙆🏻😆

A post shared by Chantale Belle 贝依霖 (@chantalebelle) on

Long time no video 🤗 #dancejourneyofchantalebelledonotusemytag fuck the floor with me 😬 #pdfloorwork #floorwork

A post shared by Chantale Belle 贝依霖 (@chantalebelle) on

Proud of you babe 😌✨

A post shared by Chantale Belle 贝依霖 (@chantalebelle) on

不要拿你的熱臉貼別人的冷屁屁~~~ ⛵️☀️

A post shared by Chantale Belle 贝依霖 (@chantalebelle) on


A post shared by Chantale Belle 贝依霖 (@chantalebelle) on

Yoga with bae 💙 #dancejourneyofchantalebelledonotusemytag

A post shared by Chantale Belle 贝依霖 (@chantalebelle) on

We are waiting for you our twerk tutor haha 😝 @peachy_money #dancejourneyofchantalebelledonotusemytag

A post shared by Chantale Belle 贝依霖 (@chantalebelle) on

太害羞了我都不敢發full size 🙈 P: @kirkcheungvision M: @joeylai322

A post shared by Chantale Belle 贝依霖 (@chantalebelle) on


  1. rokr says:

    Asian chicks with tattoos, aren’t they just the sexiest?

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