So, you are looking for Indian porn and when you find it, things just do not seem to be as expected. You are confused and do not really know what to do about it. You have watched thousands of hours of pornography already but you haven’t seen anything quite like this.
It’s a new thing, a new type of sex action you are not used to. Will you stop and walk away or will you watch it for five minutes and see how things go? The latter is the way you go with, always. Or, at least when it comes to XXX content.
All until now, you were always excited about watching the type of content you have not seen before. To new things, if you will. Well, with this kind of sex action, you are not really sure if it is your cup of tea. Even the titles are weird and almost do not make sense.
Oh well, I guess if you live in India things are just different and you are used to it.
I was just browsing YouTube for something cool to watch and came across Kautuk Srivastava’s stand-up show on Indian porn. And it is absolutely hilarious.
First, he starts by telling the ladies how to know when a guy has been single for too long. It is easy, when he lands on page seven of his porn search. Yes, that’s when the crazy and really dirty things happen. The porn categories you do not want to watch. Ever. Or, something even weirder might happen – you start enjoying it. Now that is a topic to write about in some other article.
Kautuk says that all until page six is variety and after the page six is desperation.
By the way, I never knew my first Indian porn post would actually be a video of a stand-up show. Here we all are now, having a good laugh.
But what is the real difference between Western porn and Indian porn? The latter is not actually porn but scandal. Yes, that’s how they call it, apparently. And no, the Western variation of it is by far not the same as the one they have in India. Try to search for it and you will immediately know what I am talking about it.
Moreover, another main difference is the fact that there is no real proper foreplay in Indian pornography. The one you are used to seeing, well, there is none of that in the Indian alternative. It is more or less the lady hiding from the camera, hoping the guy behind the lens will later delete it and most certainly not post it on the Internet.
Not happening.
You know what’s more? There is no moaning. “In Indian porn, the women can’t moan because the in-laws are in the next room.” Like that would not be enough already, how they title their porn is “like matrimonial ads.” I am definitely not writing it down here, but you will get to it at 4:35. Seriously, the cooking part is actually important?
Kautuk also adds that it sucks being a married person in Bombay. Not only are they living with in-laws but the houses are so small it is almost ridiculous. “In Bombay, people don’t live in houses, we live in shoe size 11.”
A lot of this might be a pure joke, of course, however, I bet some of it is very true. I am not very good with Indian porn but damn are some girls hot as fuck.
As for the Indian pornstars, I am sure you have heard of Sunny Leone. In case you have not, here we bring you a few of Sunny’s porn scenes that will get you to droll in an instant.
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