I always get super excited when I stumble across secret gems like Jaime Laycock is. And her last name… man, it could not be more perfect. It has cock and lay in it! It is definitely great seeing it in the title of your Hottie of the week feature, don’t you think?
But anyways, Jamie’s is somehow unknown, yet she is doing modeling for about 4 years now. It all began for her with selfies. However, those were not just any mundane and boring selfies you see everyone publishing 24/7. Jamie was smart. She knew she had potential so it was a very strategic approach to her social media. Raunchy selfies!
After publishing those for a good while and growing a bunch of fans, it all went uphill from there. Those self-shots made her start landing modeling gigs what later became a career for young Jaime Laycock.
Nowadays you can follow Jaime’s prettiness on Instagram and enjoy more selfies and other teasers. She is a slender brunette with a hot ass and a big pair of breasts. Those are 33D!
Born on December 25, 1990 in Melbourne, Australia, Jaime is a pack of delicious goodies. She is into all sorts of things, like music, singing, partying and dancing. She is into pets, good food and does not mind to take her top off. However, chances are, you probably will not see Jaime Laycock nude. At least not for now. Let the time do its thing and we might once see her do some kinky stuff. More on that later.
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Since Jaime definitely deserves a bigger following base, rush over to her Instagram and start following her. After all, you will not be disappointed. In between the photos she takes herself, you will also find plenty of professional imagery. Of which many are close to nude, wearing only thongs. I told you, it is just a matter of time when this young Australian girl takes it all off for us. Let’s cross fingers and enjoy the collection of Jaime Laycock’s sexy pictures.
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A post shared by Jaime Laycock (@jaimelaycock) on
A post shared by Jaime Laycock (@jaimelaycock) on
Sometimes clothes can be overrated #stillcomebuystuff
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A post shared by Jaime Laycock (@jaimelaycock) on
What a fun day this was! It was a pleasure @dan_shortt
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Pray they stay in
A post shared by Jaime Laycock (@jaimelaycock) on
Ohhhhhh @nickwaltersphotographer you are pretty incredible
#somuchbum #bumbumbum
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A post shared by Jaime Laycock (@jaimelaycock) on
A post shared by Jaime Laycock (@jaimelaycock) on
Seedy Sundays
@giuseppedantesapienza #hungover
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Let’s get physical #worktime #stillafurtherfiftyoffsale #comebuystuff
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Where’s the sun Melbourne
#qld #whereidratherbe #throwback
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Weekend of bad decisions and double sided tape
A post shared by Jaime Laycock (@jaimelaycock) on
Get me a burger
A post shared by Jaime Laycock (@jaimelaycock) on
Starting the week with @giuseppedantesapienza #happymonday
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A post shared by Jaime Laycock (@jaimelaycock) on
Not sure I was even wearing a top
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Hot sexy
Who’s into big breasted blue eyes Aussie ladies?