Hottie of the week – Twins Julia & Stephanie Baessler

baessler twins

For March’s first Monday, let’s do something entirely different, let’s enjoy hot twins, Julia and Stephanie Baessler. Yes, you read that correct, twins! Since we are featuring solo girls, for the most part, the time has come to go against the grain. This Hottie of the week should actually be called, “Hotties” but we will keep it original.

So, who are the Baessler Twins? They are Julia and Stephanie and they hail all the way from Austria. While their Instagram profiles (they have three!) are growing at a rapid pace, it is still rarely any information out there about The Twins. However, you can go investigate their official website and translate it yourself. Dude, I cannot just serve you all on the platter.

While Julia and Stephanie Baessler are both huge fitness and health enthusiasts, there is another thing that interests them. Law. They are attending the University of Vienna to study law and this just makes them a hundred times hotter. Two smart ladies who just happen to be identical and at the same time piping hot? Where can I sign up?

Smart and intelligent twin sisters who love to work out and keep their bodies toned are few and far between. Make it this Monday something special, take the extra time off and enjoy yourself some Julia and Stephanie Baessler sexy pictures.

Today, we feature both but some other time, I might take the opportunity and feature them again, separately. Hot European chicks deserve extra shine. Wait, all women deserve extra shine. Thank god I am still young and there are hundreds upon hundreds of Mondays ahead of me.

Below, you will find what could be the best collection of sexy pictures featuring the Baessler Twins. Those are from their travels, sunny days, winter days, in front of the mirror, at the gym, you name it! But I sure do enjoy those pictures where Julia and Stephanie are facing away from the camera the most. Those bums are yummy!

🧖🏼‍♀️🧖🏻‍♀️ #spatime

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'There's always a calm before the storm…' 🌪#twinsisters ♥️👩🏻👩🏼 Wir harmonieren, ergänzen uns und sind ein Dreamteam. Das merken auch andere schnell, wenn sie uns kennenlernen und deswegen werden wir sehr oft gefragt ob wir denn nie streiten 🙃 ganz klare Antwort: DOCH tun wir! Und das wahrscheinlich manchmal viel heftiger als ihr denkt 😁💣 Wir verbringen nahezu jede freie Minute miteinander und es ist völlig klar, dass es öfters zu Meinungsverschiedenheiten kommt – das passiert täglich 😌 meist können wir uns schnell einigen und die Sache aus der Welt schaffen – ab und zu kracht es jedoch auch richtig und wir kommen für einen Moment gar nicht mehr aufeinander klar 🙄👊🏻 .. aber wir denken, jeder der Geschwister hat, kennt sowas, oder? 🙋🏽 #baesslertwins #twinning

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mermaid life 🏝🐚🐡

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1 Comment

  1. rokr says:

    What would you do with tempting twins?

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